
What to eat to have Good Health?

Health food

To have good health, it is highly recommended that you :

  • Give preference to raw, seasonal, unprocessed products. This will limit the intake of additives (emulsifiers sweeteners, colorants …) whose effects are not well documented.
  • Use food supplements
  • Give preference to products that are grown in an area that uses less pesticides

More information here: How To Stay Healthy?

What to eat?

  • Fruits and vegetables: At least 5 portions per day of 80-100 g, depending on the preparation method (raw, cooked fresh, frozen, canned, or frozen). Avoid fruit juice and dried fruits.
  • Nuts with no added salt: A small amount per day is enough for those who aren’t allergic to almonds, walnuts or hazelnuts (pistachios and so on). ).
  • Pulses: At least twice per week: beans, lentils, chickpeas and dried beans. These are great sources of fiber, protein, and can be used to reduce meat consumption.
  • Cereal products: Every day, preferring wholemeal products and those that aren’t very refined (rice pasta, wholemeal bread etc. ).
  • Dairy products: Two portions per day, one serving corresponding to 150ml of milk and 125g yogurt, or 30g of cheese.
  • Meat: Give preference to poultry, and limit red meat consumption (beef/pork, veal/mutton, goat/horse, wild boar, doe, etc.) to 500g per week.
  • 2 portions of fish and seafood per week, with one portion each of salmon, mackerel or tuna. To limit contamination, you should vary the supply locations and species.
  • Limit your consumption of charcuterie to 150g per week
  • Limit on added fats
  • Use vegetable oils, such as rapeseed and walnut oil, instead.
  • Products with sweetened ingredients: To be limited, especially products that are both sweetened and fatty (e.g., desserts, pastries, dairy desserts, ice-cream).
  • Limit sweetened and watered down drinks to water. If they aren’t sweetened, tea, coffee, and herbal teas may increase water intake.
  • Salt: To be reduced. Avoid “hidden” salt in breads, prepared-made meals, cookies, and other foods. It is better to use iodized salt.

Also, do at least 30 minutes of physical activity per day, five days a week. To increase endurance, muscle strength, flexibility, balance, and coordination, it is recommended that you try different types of exercise.

Food is Medecine


Traditional Chinese, Mediterranean, and Ayurvedic medicine addressed the importance of food to prolong life. Some parts of the globe, tribal communities and indigenous peoples still use hundreds of edible plants to treat ailments by including them in their diets.

The majority of the world’s population is dependent on modern health systems, in which diet plays little role in the prevention or treatment of disease. Bad nutrition and overconsumption have been widely blamed for the development of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. There is now increasing consensus that healthy eating habits can not only prevent but also treat these diseases.

You can make medicines from everyday edible plants. They are able to create compounds that can be useful for us, making them valuable aids in chemistry. The plants are brilliant chemists and have done much of the work for us.

Are There Good Tips For Healthy Eating?

Instead of starting from scratch to create a new drug, which can be time-consuming, difficult, and costly, it is possible to use a plant chemical to help you design and develop your drug. The steps required to make that drug can be shortened.

Although it is possible that certain chemicals were discovered in early edible plants, which inspired the development and testing of new drugs, this may not have been intentional or planned. Scientists may be able to find them easier by their presence in commonly grown edible crops.

Food as medicine would be the integration of nutrition and food into the health care system. It is possible to prevent and cure disease with this approach. In almost all countries, food and nutrition are the main causes of illness. This reality is often ignored by health care systems, health care discussions, and financing for health care.

What Is The Importance Of Eating Healthy?

Scientists are discovering new ways to modify the course of diseases through food. For example, they can provide medically-tailored meals for patients with chronic conditions or prescribe specific products for those with diet-sensitive disorders like diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure or diabetes. For example, meals that are tailored to meet the nutritional needs of patients suffering from cancer, HIV, or diabetes have been shown to decrease subsequent hospital admissions by almost half, and even to lower overall health care costs by as much as 20%. Researchers in the United States are conducting studies to determine if carefully selected fresh foods can be prescribed to type 2 diabetes patients and low-income mothers. This is called “farmacy”, which is a way to improve patients’ health. To improve the health of their patients, many hospitals employ specialized dietitians.

However, the idea of treating food as medicine may have a wider impact on our health.