What are the Symptoms of Gout?

Symptoms of gout usually appear suddenly and severely. An attack of gout usually affects only one joint, most commonly the big toe joint. However, the attack may involve more than one joint. Symptoms often develop at night and worsen over the next 24 to 36 hours. Other affected joints include the knees, ankles, feet, wrists, hands, fingers, and elbows.

Gout often appears on the Hand: Gout Hand and other times in the Foot: Gout Foot

Symptoms in the affected joint usually include:

  • Severe pain
  • Extreme tenderness
  • Swelling
  • Redness
  • Warmth

Other symptoms may include:

  • Fever
  • Chills
  • General ill feeling

Symptoms are usually more severe in people who develop gout before age 30. Some people will only have one attack of gout. Most people with gout, however, will suffer a recurrence within two years of the first attack, and subsequent recurrences after that (if the condition is left untreated).

Symptoms can always vary, here you can learn more about what is involved in Gout: Gout Symptoms

Complications of Gout

Chronic arthritis can cause pain, deformity and limitation of joint movement. Inflammation may be exacerbated in some joints and decreased in others. Patients with gout may develop urolithiasis with uric acid or calcium oxalate stones.

Complications of gout include renal obstruction and infection, with secondary tubulointerstitial disease. Untreated progressive renal dysfunction, often related to hypertension, or, less frequently, to other causes of nephropathy, further affects urate excretion, accelerating the deposition of crystals in tissues.

In this Channel you will learn more about Gout and its treatments: Gout Home Remedy

Other possible complications of gout include:

  • Accumulation of uric acid deposits (tophi).
  • Hard lumps under the skin near (or around) the joints.
  • Hard lumps at the edge of the ear.
  • Other parts of the body may be affected such as fingertips, cornea of the eye, aorta, spine, or around the brain
  • Permanent damage to affected joints
  • Carpal tunnel syndrome, a painful condition of the wrists
  • Kidney stones (if uric acid builds up in the kidneys)
  • Kidney damage

If you already suffer from Gout FYRON G1 CURCUMIN + FYRON G2 BOSWELLIA is the best natural supplement to fight this disease: Gout Treatment

Prognosis of Gout

When gout is diagnosed early, lifelong urate-lowering therapy allows most patients to live a normal life. In many patients with advanced disease, aggressive lowering of serum urate concentration can resolve tophi and improve joint function.

Gout is usually more severe in patients whose symptoms begin before age 30 and whose baseline serum uric acid value is > 9.0 mg/dL (> 0.5 mmol/L). The high prevalence of metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular disease increases mortality in patients with gout.

Some patients do not improve sufficiently with treatment. Common reasons include inadequate education provided to patients, lack of compliance, alcoholism and especially undertreatment of hyperuricemia by physicians.

There are more Home and Natural Remedies that help against Gout: Home Remedies For Gout